
JGT Memberships

Do you have a regular treatment that’s just right for you, and you want to make the most of it by showing your loyalty.
Join one of our 12 month memberships and make your sessions go further with great discounts.


Restore Membership

Great for those who have a demanding lifestyle that’s always asking the body for more.

What you’ll get: 12, 60-Minute Deep Tissue sessions
What’s the value: $15 off each session
What you’ll save: $180


Relax Membership

If you need something to take the edge off every so often, this is for you.

What you’ll get: 12, 60-Minute Relaxation sessions
What’s the value: $10 off each session
What you’ll save: $120


Recover Membership

Take that little bit of time out for yourself to realign. Make it a habit to see big benefits.

What you’ll get: 12, 45-Minute Back, Neck & Shoulder sessions
What’s the value: $9 off each session
What you’ll save: $108


If you’d like to sign up or simply know more, leave us your email address and we’ll be in touch.