

realign — balance — renew


Feeling good is one thing — Being balanced is another.


Full body restoration and maintenance.

That’s our end game for those who are misaligned. We do this by assessing your lifestyle, the way you move or don’t move and we develop a plan that suits your body best.

We’ll listen to what’s ailing you and use a trigger point analysis to find the root of the cause. Because it isn’t always where the pain originates from, as the body is connected in unconventional ways.
If you’re unsure what the problem is, we’ll find it.
We work well with bodies of any density, our pressures can move the tightest of muscles as well as be nimble enough for sensitive clients. Healing without discomfort.

Repairing muscle tissue damage is a process we take with absolute care. We do this by breaking down scar tissue to initially relieve some of the pain and regain some flexibility. We’ll leave the body to naturally bounce back, then smooth out the area over a few sessions. It’s a secret recipe for mobility success.


“I was finding it difficult simply getting around on a daily basis. Jacqui recommended trying a deep tissue massage to flush out sitting toxins. The next day I was much more limber, I was actually keeping up with the kids for a change.”

— Laurell D


Ultimately we work towards leaving our clients with reduced pain, reduced discomfort, less stress
and fatigue.


Find out for yourself. Most of our clients visit for our unique ability to deliver remedial massage at a relaxing pace. Talk to Jacqueline and she’ll advise how your treatment goals can be met.

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